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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Unrelated Thoughts

I keep believing that nothing's bad. It does, however, become difficult, at times, to tell others the same when they're not
feeling good about something or themselves. I can be harsh on myself but not on others. I can console myself but I restrict
this to myself alone (Why - isnot important right now).I do keep iterating that there's nothing bad about anything and in all probability the other person is thinking:

"He knows nothing about what life really is".

Q. So who really DOES know what life really is?

Is it older people?
Is it self proclaimed gurus?
Is it religious people?
Is it scoundrels?
Is it rich people?
Is it successful people?
Is it 'failures'?
Is it our professors?
Is it our parents?
Who is it?

Life, simply put, is what YOU make of it.

So what's the worst that could possibly happen to me?
No there are worse things.
Why am I here?
I am here for a purpose.
What must I do?
I must LIVE my life.

I do not understand why people get discourgaed by life? Yes, sometimes (or maybe even most of the times) problems seem
insurmountable but then, who doesn't have problems?

Why, then, do some people choose to find shelter in despair?
I do not condemn them. I only wish to understand them. Negativity is not always an evil.

We live life like a joke. And you know what? That's OK too.

Why are things like love and courtship reduced to the "IN" things?
It's funny how many people fall in and out of love everyday. I can name atleast 10 couples within our college who proclaim they're made for each other (or something to the same effect) and do not mean it.
How do I know?
It shows through.

It's supposed to be a sign of maturity. Well, what is maturity?
So, you're a 20 something pursuing a degree. That makes you mature?
You read serious books. That makes you mature?
You like philosophy. That makes you mature?
The fact that you realise that you are, still, a kid. Maybe that makes you mature.

Here's a related quote:

"An adult is the name given to the corpse when the inner child dies."

People believe that no matter what they do, they shall never be doing anything that hasn't already been done.

Chances are that no matter what you do in life there will have been someone who may have already done that and been there before you but there will never be anyone who will quite do it the way you will.
Always believe that.Always.

- A.G


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